jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

from Thailand with love

Con tan solo 23 años y mucho talento Ice Dieeis ha estado haciendo ruido en el ambito de la ilustración, ademas de tener composiciones interesantes, tiene un estilo de linea que nadie puede dudar de ser muy buena...

Por eso el dia de hoy y continuando con al racha de entrevistas, tenemos una ligera platica con esta chica y algo de su trabajo, espero que les guste.

why did you choose the name "ISE"?
- Actually ISE it's my nickname but changed from ICE
because in my country ICE it's quite a regularly name.
have artistic influences?
-Yeah I have one.If you crazy in maximize illustrate,not minimal,
you should know Aya Kato well and she's the best of me!

How is thailand "street art" scene?
-I don't know too much about street art but I have a friends that work about it in here.
They like a cloud ,no one know about them but teenager always love their work and want to be like them.

your illustrations remind to the girls of the 60s or 70s, its just a mere coincidence or an influence?
-I couldn't say that my work remind the girl in 60's or 70's but I present about my emotion more than an influence or else,
I want to draw then I just draw it.

using programs like Adobe creative suite, makes you a better artist or you prefer old school techniques?
- I use a computer,it easily to me.
But it no mater what you use a computer or hand drawing.
At last it just a tool to make everything comfortable or make to reach a goal faster.

how do you see the illustration global scene?

-I have attend in website and a book.

> what do you think of Mexico?
-I heard that Mexico have a lot of talent designer in here so that's will be a nice country!

NICE UH? mis respetos a esta dudette!

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